8 Comments Posted by Gothzilla

This is why the idea of analog amusement parks never really caught on.
LIVIN' ON THE EDGE! (You can't help yourself from falling)

That aside, this place is an awesome find, I wish we had abandoned places this spectacular in Dallas, all I've been able to find so far is an old library, a department store, and some grain silos but they're all in areas that are too busy for actual exploring, though that didn't stop me at the library...
I spy a Motts.
Silent Hill: Homecoming, anyone?
This place is the real House of Usher... now where's MTV Cribs when you need 'em?
Looks frigging identical to the one at the local Elementary school here, except the one in the picture is in much better shape.
The scrappers are retarded, some of the old machines that they destroy for the copper wire are actually worth 400 times their weight in copper. I've found one such sad machine in an old house that I explored once, but now I'm just rambling...
Woah, never been to England, never even been off my continent,, but this room... it gives me a feeling of deja vu. Maybe its because it looks eerily like the waiting room of a psych hospital in Texas... one which I had the displeasure of being sentenced to....

Probably just a coincidence, though...