992 Comments for Plymouth County Hospital

It is so sad to see a place just look empty like this, I mean when I look at the photos they are breath taking but it once had people working there, and that stage probably had some good years! dont mind me I am just emotional today
I kno that most of the patients in the T.B. hospital were infact. children. i know that sounds so sad, but.... that's prob. what this part of the hospital was used for...
It seems ery ironic that the elevator stoped right infront of the mourge... that's very interesting.
I agree, it definately looks like a crash cart. All units in the hospital still have something very similar with suction set ups, oxygen and other respiratory gases. The drawers most likely had cardic drugs, airways, oxygen masks and equipment like that. It's a holy shit cart.
Been so long since I've been here, and yet I return to such beauty.
Wonderful job, Mr. Motts.
Posting entry details is not allowed on this site, but there are stairs to the basement. There was a bunch of medical equipment and other assorted furniture stored in the basement.
Mr. Mott's - i have heard alot of this hospital, i'd love to know how in the world did you get into the hospital? i have heard there are No stairs to the basment.... what else is in the basment?
This place is facinating. I love looking up info on it. i don't kow what it is.. but there's just something about it....
Potatoe slicer...... nothing too wicked potatoe in pull handel potatoe in pull handel thats all
wow thats one offending graffiti peice
As recently as the late 90's we had some IBM test equipment that used those huge old floppies.

The equipment was quite old, but worked just fine.
True urban speleologists never vandalize. Vandals are nothing more than common criminals in my opinion.
I like this picture, it has such a feeling of just one lonely lamp, in a big room of dispair and defeat.
This looks like the anathesia machine we have at the vets office where I work.
Ive seen Lonely chairs,Lonely beds,But lonely lamps?