its an aspirator alright, when me and me bro where trainin to be Physiotherapists we got to suck shit out of OAPs throats...its pretty gruesome really...
Hahahaha, "are you guys allowed to graffiti?" Sorry, I thought that was just hillarious, Mr. Motts dosen't do the graffitti it's already there. Graffiti is a destruction of property which Motts dosen't want to do, also it's just wrong and destroys the awesomeness of the buildings.
It is to bad that its just standing there dormant. I love the roofing tiles. My husband and I went by there yesterday. I wanted to go in but he was creeped out.
~i went there today, or i bleave to have, the place looked very simaler to the pictures, and the back of the building was burned, it was a huge place, but it was night, and dark (and still is) and i had a horrible feeling about the place, i couldent get within 5 feet of it without my legs turning to mush.
~a lampoast in the back where a fire had burned a good size hole in the building would turn on and off when my good friend took pictures. her camera was fully charged when we got there and it ran out of batteries when she got close to the building. most of the pitures came out blured or black when we were only 25 feet from the building. when we were farther away the pictures came out fine.
~with my uneasy feeling and forboading of the place we didnt enter it to look around, so we just walked around it, even to do that was a chalenge for me.
~the oddest thing though was that we only knew what street it was off of, by chance we drove onto driveway of the building, the buliding has thick woods around it and you cant see it until your right on top of it, we went on the driveway to turn around thinking we missed it, but when we came close to it we seemed drawn to it. and we decided to ditch the cars at a parking lot and check out what was at the end of the driveway. finding a large building, and we decided we found the hospital.
~by the way, where the kitchen burned, is there a large smoke stack? if there is then we definaly found the hospital
~ if we did find it, im happy to report that it hasnt been torn down. and is still standing, though many people have been there recently judging by the foot tracks in the snow and even car tire marks.
well after you put it that way it does make sense, you owuld need a large machine to handle the load of all those pt's/residents, the machines size is just incredible.
Well, I have some equipment that big that needs to be sterilized after every use... but I doubt that it is the same type of stuff that they would have used here! I can't think of any single item that large, but maybe they had a lot of smaller items to do at once? They did have a lot of patients to handle...
what type of large instruments would they put in something that big? at my clinic we auto clave small instruments ie:vasectomy packs, circ packs, specs, ect, so I am not used to seeing a autoclave that large, please educate me so I can look smart to my friends(he he) 8-)
Well, bigger is indeed better (or so I've been told by Lynne), but that's not why these are so big. The bigger the equipment to be sterilized, the bigger the machine to put it in. The autoclave I used (yes, I WAS actually in the medical field once) was slightly larger than a microwave, but we only needed it to clean speculums...