992 Comments for Plymouth County Hospital

should've crawled inside and took a pic looking out, would've looked awesome. not that i would've...
Occult Blood is blood that cannot be seen by the naked eye. The word occult means "hidden" when used in medical terms.
awesome picture!! the bars on the windows give that 'trapped' feel. damn mess in there huh? it does seem weird that it stopped in front of the morgue, only bringing people further down from there...
Im not a spiritualist in any way but when I look at this picture I can see a room full of demons, ghosts and ghouls.........Especially that large gentlemans face on the far wall to the right hand side. All you can see is his right eye, his nose and his mouth smiling. Its absolutely amazing.;
You have captured them all in this picture.
what is that thing on the bottom right of the door? it looks a cross on the outside of the building.
What d'you mean, No Ghosts. You have to look into the picture and stop looking AT it.....then you will see the truth..........
Learn to look beyond the picture.
my friend and i went in there once, he always tries to get me to go back, i don't care to be arrested though. anyway, he said once when he was in there that some weird stuff happened. he felt something scratch him and it wasn't his friends. he also found some slips of old patients laying around and took them out and showed them to me. fucking weird, one this i noticed on the slips was a category called "occult blood". what the hell is that? freaky...
actually the building is still there. creep as always.
...i dont know if you got the chance to see this place at night. its relatively creepy. from the front of the building just to the right of the entrance on the top floor, there is a light on in the window.

... i have always found this place so intriging.
A buddy of mine went to the hospital a few nights ago and took pictures of the perimiter.. The pictures are unbelieveable...
The main budilding seems so peaceful, but inside there are large flashes of light in the top section. ( but, there is no electricity running to the building) - But as i looked at more of the picutes, there seemed to be a thousand eyes gleeming in one of the rooms. Also, there is large energy spots to the right of the building in one of the pictures. I don't believe it is "haunted" but i do believe it pulls enegy of some sort...
Wow, interesting photos, thanks Don!
Yes, the building still stands, and it does indeed have a smokestack attached to one of the buildings. There have been two fires there in the past few years. Photos of the fires can be seen at:
http://www.teaguefirephoto.com/041704a.htm and at
Great photo you have taken here!
I know the focus is on the feet, but the curtain in the foreground looks incredible and graceful. It's like something you'd see in a classical painting.
I could buy it being a crash cart, but at my work ours is so small due to being a familypractice office and we have on on each floor, with our own oxygen tanks that are portable, if anyones interested in a sigmoidoscopy, I am your woman got to ASSists it that once, 8-}
looks like it could be a recovery room for patients, post and pre operative, but love the feet under the curtain 8-)
very interesting, but for somereason they allways go for the pastel, colors reminds me of easter, wating fro the easterbunny to come hopping through:-)