6 Comments Posted by cadilac

A buddy of mine went to the hospital a few nights ago and took pictures of the perimiter.. The pictures are unbelieveable...
The main budilding seems so peaceful, but inside there are large flashes of light in the top section. ( but, there is no electricity running to the building) - But as i looked at more of the picutes, there seemed to be a thousand eyes gleeming in one of the rooms. Also, there is large energy spots to the right of the building in one of the pictures. I don't believe it is "haunted" but i do believe it pulls enegy of some sort...
I kno that most of the patients in the T.B. hospital were infact. children. i know that sounds so sad, but.... that's prob. what this part of the hospital was used for...
It seems ery ironic that the elevator stoped right infront of the mourge... that's very interesting.
Mr. Mott's - i have heard alot of this hospital, i'd love to know how in the world did you get into the hospital? i have heard there are No stairs to the basment.... what else is in the basment?
This place is facinating. I love looking up info on it. i don't kow what it is.. but there's just something about it....
I never realized how large these places are. untill you posted the pictures of the outside. It's very fasinating.