1,034 Comments for Rocky Point Amusement Park

shhh..Listen..can hear the echos of the laughter of years gone by lol
They were almost the best clam cakes in the world. The best are/were made at Flo's in Portsmouth. Anybody remember Jolly Charley's (sp?) hamburger stand in East Greeewich near Goddard Park?
again why don't they make rides like this anymore?
modern horror sucks....
they don't make them like that anymore
spacey nice and green i love this shot
Rocky Point will be missed, forever. It was like a little Disneyland for the people of Rhode Island, and we supported it. When youre a kid, heck, a ride is a ride!

In the 1970s, my cousins and I would go and spend the day, we were completely safe. Well, that was when we all looked out for one another, and we didn't have to worry so much about being snatched by some creepy bicycle seat smeller.

A little bit of RI history is gone.

Hey, I'd almost forgotten about Whalom Park!!
I still find it hard to believe that my beloved Rocky Point is gone. When I was a girl I would save my baby sitting money, and go just about every week during Summer.

I remember fondly filling up on fried clams and then getting on the Scrambler ride and then spewing the contents of my gut all over the other riders, then running over to the Logger's Run to wash off in the splash. After I dried in the sun I would load up on fried clams and do it all over again.

Its been many years, but Rocky Point will always live in my heart. Its a shame that such a fun place is now just memories.
i have found this website to be amazing ive probably looked at every building you have posted.I am truely fascinated by all the history you have captured across the world with your cameras keep em coming
OM-Goodness. The ride that you get on, that looked like a Ferris Wheel that had a steering wheel and the cart you sat in rotated. That ride was called The Skydiver. I loved this ride for two reasons. It was the ride I met the girl who tore me apart! And the from the top of this ride at night was incredible. I wonder whet happened to this ride after the park closed and the rides were auctioned off. I want to say this ride did not sell, it was too old and worn out in the early 90's. They may have scrapped this ride. Will have to search it up again and take a look.

Thanks for changing the title of this page to what it really is. Sorry so long between visits. LOL Gotta take a stroll down memory lane again soon.
I so remember the good times here like everyone else. Parents let you run free till it was chow time and then we would all meet up and go to the Chowder hall. Could not get enough of the food!! Then it was time to go off to ride some more. Got many a sunburns back then but what a blast it was to ride and ride and ride!!
-Looks like I have an arcade machine from the Rocky Point Arcade!
First off, many thanks for posting these pics - as I would have never known where my old machine came from!
Secondly - I'm currently restoring an Atari Pole Position (1982) - and in sanding down the bad spray-paint job, some white stenciled letters started to appear:
After a little search, I discovered where the ole-girl used to 'live'!
Can anyone confirm if they stenciled all their machine while in-use - or was this done once it was put in storage?
In any case - very fun - and many thanks for allowing me to get a little more history on the machine.
How freeky is that scene?
Im only 16, and i was born the year it was shut down. What a shame, i really would have liked to visit here, my mom has very fond memories of this place. The old commercial makes it look like so much fun, im so envious of all you adults who got to go there! Seems like alot of fun!
I showed these pictures to my mom, who is about 40, and shes was amazed at how it looked. She went here as a teenager and it was very active with people and the rides where big and bright, it looked nothing like this. It's funny to think about children and teens running around here playing and having fun.