469 Comments for Harperbury Hospital

Mott's, do you ever free-hand the camera in decent lighting? Or do you tri-pod every shot? Just curious. Great gallery!
Where is the location of the padded room no1 can seem to find it

I’m going here next week
Motts how did you come up with these names on the pictures!
I don't know that I'd be running down a hallway that crooked, lol, I'd be leaning against the wall. Sorry, had to say that. It is a great pic, especially the way the windows line the entire side of the hall and light it full length.
These were all over the hospital. Many of the residents were very disturbed and even dangerous. Poor souls had no understanding and little ability to communicate so would resort to attacking other residents, staff or themselves. These rooms were intended as safe places where the person could be left for a short time to calm down, or in some cases scream themselves to sleep. I do however believe the spaces were abused and used as virtual prisons in some cases. The bad old days - more through ignorance than spite but I believe there was spite too which went unreported. We lived in a different world.
This was a classroom. Here, In the 80's we tried to make a positive difference to the lives young people incarcerated in this archaic institution.
If you search for the hospital on Google, a map comes up and everything...
does anyone know how to actually got to this place because i study photography and this would be great for my course work
its not fake , its used when a situation breaks out that gets out of control ... say if a member of staff were to be on there own and get attacked by a patient then this would alert other members of staff.
hmm...maybe if we push it soap will come out of it?
I feel dizzy
I've always wondered what it would be like to be locked in one of these. The school I went to 1st through 3rd grade had a seclusion room in the basement, but it wasn't padded. Sadly that school will only be a memory soon enough do to Progress...Yay...
Definitely, a must- have in the everyday , stressful life! :)
Well, empty of what? Anyway, now that all the hospital is empty, it's not important anymore!
Anytime I see a shot like this, where the camera is tilted to give a hall or room this slanted look, I think of a ship sinking.