275 Comments Posted by sam

Its a mash/meshing kettle. the part of beer making before fermenting
I've ad a few Mammod steam "toys" in my life and this looks exactly like a big brother to them
Can I use some of these photos for my youtube commercial project. I'll definitely link back this site as courtesy or credit.
does anyone know how to actually got to this place because i study photography and this would be great for my course work
This property has been bought and is being fully restored as an art center. Check it out:

As an avid photographer and love of aging buildings, i understand your want to protect but in reality it just seems so selfish. your pics are final say, huh? i'm ashamed that this site blocks the names. especially with all the grafiti artists that visit this site in order to find new places to tag. right? ugh...
Great pictures
wonderful photo!
Clearly Diesel Engines, no need for a carburetter. The Right side has a Diesel pump, and the left looks like a Turbine supercharger (turbo). Sad about the work done for no use. COOL PICS!!!
just wondering where this place is located?
in my anatomy and physiology class next semester, we get to go see an autopsy done on a body. going to be pretty damn creepy for me. a friend of mine told me he'd pay me if i ran in and saw the body and screamed out "OHHH NO! THATS WHAT HAPPENED TO UNCLE JOE!!!" ha.
oh was it byberry that was all graffitied? i dont remember now, because well I have been on this site for a good 3 hours looking through photographs and comments. But i wanted to comment on the morgue in byberry, with the graffiti inside the refrigerator box, someone had to be mighty ballsy to go inside, I on the other hand, hate small confined areas... Would of literally made me sick to my stomach to be inside of it tagging the wall.
makes me feel slightly soulless, like when I went in for surgery, and just going through the doors made me feel like, i guess, dead. idk, could never be a mortician, the job would just seem too depressing, I hear plenty of people who train to be morticians, end up getting sick and dropping out. I can see why, the job would absolutely be the death of me. ha ha.
near my grandparents house theres a old hospital out in Hartner KS, and i get the jitters knowing they left all the files of patients, though, had i been ballsy enough, I may have actually gone through them, or rather, gotten close enough to them to go through them haha. good pictures motts, i love this stuff :)