338 Comments for Cedarcrest Sanatorium

I love the effect of vines creeping up against windows...I remember the beauty I saw through an old screen window of my dad's barn with the vine creeping up as the early morning sun shone through.
One more thing, There are two wings, the East Wing is accessible from the museum. The West Wing is a lot cooler. To gain access, go to Google maps and find Building 22. Access to the West Wing is located near the corner of the the wing to the south of building 22. I won't give specifics but you will see the way in. The TB ward looks very cool and is the most untouched. People get in there all the time but i'm not sure how.

This is a great set btw and this website actually inspired me to begin abandonment photography. Thanks man!
Thanks Motts, maybe I should start shooting RAW + Jpeg, I only shoot RAW but I've had a few corrupted files before myself.
Anyway thanks for another great gallery.
That sign looks kind of new
Junkyardave, those floors look like crappy linolium to me?
If it was closed you'd almost mistake it to be a dead end.
Is that black thing in the top left hand corner an old smoke alarm? Or sprinkler system?
I like that exit sign, something very 'antique industrial' about it.
Full Fathom Five, It wouldn't look as out of place if there were still curtains hanging from the rails (see ceiling).
Why do I love you so?
Thank you all for your kind concern : ) shes pregnant too so i really hope that she hasnt got it, we might get the results in today. The medication they give for tbc isnt good for the child and it can take damage.

Thank you all again
Fla. Gator - yes this was in fact a Dutch Door.

money - no, the place was cleaned out quite thoroughly, save for some beds in the basement.
Yes, I've been to The Ridges (Athens) in 2005; the museum was closed and no way into anything. I hope to return at some point and take a look :-)
Looks as though the vines have crept in to pull the screen door back outside!
Another excellent batch, Mr Motts. Thanks again.
Penbow, I hope your wife will be ok.
Love the tile. it's so......institutional.
Almost looks like a tiled floor in this picture. Maybe they had to patch the wood at one time...