4 Comments Posted by Buckeye04

One more thing, There are two wings, the East Wing is accessible from the museum. The West Wing is a lot cooler. To gain access, go to Google maps and find Building 22. Access to the West Wing is located near the corner of the the wing to the south of building 22. I won't give specifics but you will see the way in. The TB ward looks very cool and is the most untouched. People get in there all the time but i'm not sure how.

This is a great set btw and this website actually inspired me to begin abandonment photography. Thanks man!
AHH! This picture got me exited because this looks almost EXACTLY like the abandoned TB Ward at Athens Lunatic Asylum in Ohio which is the state in which I live. I'm surprised Motts hasn't checked that place out yet. A lot of people don't even know it's abandoned because they heae OU is using it but. Most of the main Kirkbride is abandoned (Bottom floor is used as an art museum) and also the Physicians Cottage and Childrens TB Ward are also completely abandoned. Get back to me Motts if you want more info :)
The creeping vines really make the picture for me.
I really like the darkness in the background here.