106 Comments Posted by Junkyardave

Another captivating gallery. You have a way of making us feel as though we were exploring right along side of you! Thanks for the fascinating trip to another world.....again! Merry Christmas!
Ok....this one's my favorite!
The newer electrical boxes on the left look out of place
Excellent angle! Shows how massive these beasts are.
The epitome of the Industrial Age. Made in the U.S.A.!
Beautiful shot.
That's called a rheostat; Depending on the position of the handle, it allows more or less current to flow. Similar to the volume control knob on older radios, etc.
WOW~! I love this kind of stuff....absolutely fascinating!! The ultimate discovery!
Excellent capture Mr. Motts!
Yes, thanks again, Mr Motts. I look forward to discovering new galleries that you post for us!
Had to be a frightening experience driving up this building... as an incoming patient.
I'm trying to figure out the lighter square section in the upper right corner; The wall looks flat, except for that small section. It appears to be a different distance than the rest of the wall. Someone enlighten me, please.
I agree.
A calming measure....if she needs it?!? The Thorazine alone should have made her "manageable", but with Haldol AND EST? And the Lithium amplifies the others. She must have really been in bad shape. Poor lady!
She was no doubt a zombie, if not out cold after this!
Another beautifully lit photo. My fave so far!
This would be a good candidate for a wallpaper............
Beautiful. The lighting in this shot is unbelievable!