338 Comments for Cedarcrest Sanatorium

A D Nilsen...I've also seen better placement for Exit signs. It seems a bit out of place.
Awesome, a new group a photos!
AHH! This picture got me exited because this looks almost EXACTLY like the abandoned TB Ward at Athens Lunatic Asylum in Ohio which is the state in which I live. I'm surprised Motts hasn't checked that place out yet. A lot of people don't even know it's abandoned because they heae OU is using it but. Most of the main Kirkbride is abandoned (Bottom floor is used as an art museum) and also the Physicians Cottage and Childrens TB Ward are also completely abandoned. Get back to me Motts if you want more info :)
Great new set ,thanks. this last shot reminds me of a scene in silent hill.
Damn vandals took everything including the sinkl.
Someone thought it was time to trow in the towel before going down there.
Kinda sounds like the name of an old russian space shuttle.
So. Did you keep out?
Motts, where there any leftover supplies to be found ?
It may well be a blast door. A lot of state and federal buildings doubled as emergency fall out shelters .
"All your base are belong to us....." LOL.
Glenn Mainz - maybe Motts shot this upside down and the ceiling is really the floor? Hallway bowling......sounds fun.
A tad redundant, perhaps? =)
tragic, but beautiful
I laughed when I saw this. I thought it was a joke at first.