
the phto is magnificent both of them thank the photographer. i guess that is why they call it the boat graveyard all things buried is such a shame where there was once life and there is no more it is so sad. they cannot touch these ships any more because it will change the ecology of the water that it sits in. there are fish and sea things down their that have made homes in and around the ships and the law says it will mess up the ecology of the water. some one once told me that . he was an older man that once worked diving gor the sdcrap yard. what wonderful stories and history we have here on staten islad. gail
e_jamesiii, there's no sadism like ADMIN sadism! It's not what you request, it's not how you request it... it's all down to what they file you under...
She's pretty.
Does the railroad nearby still exist? If it does, it is probably part of the Metro-North system, or maybe even Amtrak, also known as the Northeast Corridor.
Holy cow! That's a great photo!
LoL! Good point! ;0)
thats so fab! love it
What a wonderful staircase! Beautiful shot!
Ha Ha Ha! Sandy, you and Twug rhymed! LoL! I don't know if you meant to, but good one!

I love this shot! What a beautiful, beautiful fireplace!
Even if you only scroll up and down slowly, it IS in motion... just a thought.
I'd love to sing in there...with the guitar, I guess! LoL!
the morgue was on the back of the property in a small building the was cenent sealed way before met was evened shut down the only 2 ways in where the tunnel and at one time abroken window on the 2nd. floor thats all i can recall from as far back as 1985
los ventiladores rotan sobre el eje central por intermedio de una correa de resorte, que es impulsada por la reduccion trasera de uno de los motores, tengo uno de estos ventiladores que estoy restaurando con mucha paciencia, son rarisimos teniendo en cuenta las 6 paletas de cada uno y que fueron construidos exclusivamente para colocar colgando del techo, si alguien tiene mas informacion por fabor agamela llegar
The books have catalogue labels on the spines; so the library shelves were worth saving, but the books themselves weren't. You've got to wonder about organisations' priorities sometimes.
i've been all through met state. Its too bad that most of it is comming down but it was also unsafe, with floors rooting and dead animails i've seen a lot of nasty stuff up their and im sure glad i could go home i feel bad for the ons that could'nt or never did