
Great dramatic!
He's smiling 'cause, he's ~evil~.

He's about to feed it to that young girl and watch her choke on it.
I think that the clown is smiling because he's about to munch on that giant paint chip.
I am not cummin out to play tonight!
Wow...this is such a wonderful photo! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the cast the curtain makes with you light behind it, Mr. Motts!
Ooooo I like this one a lot!
Amazing shot! It's just so compelling...I love it!
carlos translated by (I was going to clean it up, but I find the translations amusing. This one is readable.)

the ventilators rotate on the central axis by interval of a means strap, that is impelled by reduccion back of one of the motors, I have one of these ventilators that I am recovering with much patience, are rarisimos considering the 6 trowels of each one and which they were constructed exclusively to place hanging of the ceiling, if somebody has but information by fabor agamela to arrive
PB, you should never begin a job if you can't complete the... paperwork.
(Administrators make a living out of this!)
they plastered the sinks and toilets.. and didnt board up all the windows? if this building is not in use.. why does it still stand?
email me!
this place freaks me out. something is going on here..
why is there still soap.. ?? too many un answered questions.
all the websites about it.. really dont say much about what happened.
i need to talk to someone about this place. my family and i went here on a camping trip a few years back.
i wont go into details about what happened. besides it sounds way to far fetched.. especially to all you skeptics out there. what we encountered was real.
if you know what im talking about please,please email me
El goat vampire? It's the sheep around here which have threats to their welfare, sir!
It's a lonely island. I've never been THAT lonely though.
a few years ago my son jamie friend zero took us their to see the ships. his boat had a special tv that enabled you to see under the water. i saw many ships that where sunk under the water to make room for the ones on top. so now they cannot touch these ships as not to upset the ecology of the water and the fish ands creatures under the water. gail