5 Comments Posted by carlos

i want to buy but dont know how ?????
i use to get in this hospital wit alot of my friends for thrills we use to go at night one night we went wit a video camera and we caught voices shadows all types of stuff and in every room on the end of the wings of the hospital there was at least one or two birds wit there heads twisted completly around wat did that i dont know till this day but everytime we went there it was always something different it wasent all ways nice either to bad they opend it up again use to be alot of fun
That seems a little too disturbing, to stay the night in an old asylum. I couldn't sleep.
los ventiladores rotan sobre el eje central por intermedio de una correa de resorte, que es impulsada por la reduccion trasera de uno de los motores, tengo uno de estos ventiladores que estoy restaurando con mucha paciencia, son rarisimos teniendo en cuenta las 6 paletas de cada uno y que fueron construidos exclusivamente para colocar colgando del techo, si alguien tiene mas informacion por fabor agamela llegar
Hola estoy impresionado por la belleza que desprenden estas imagenes muertas.
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