

Look at the paint! It's almost new. Who played here? The kids who live across the street by Old Dock Road maybe?

The wards contained apartments for the Orderly. There was one doctor's aparment on each floor. They had fireplaces, but not for heat. All the buildings were heated by steam that was generated in the power station and run underground through 7 miles of tunnels .

Yes, the orderlys and doctors lived with the patients.
Building 93 was a geriatric ward. So yeah, lots of people died there... of OLD AGE!

The patients were old folks with senile dementia. If you look at the building you'll notice the day wards that jut out from each side of the building. These were areas where the patients would be brought, or wheeled, to spend the day playing games or looking at the beautiful view. A lot better than freezing on the streets (as they do now if they're homeless).

This place was not a horrible place. Sure there are always the ocasional bad apple. And when discovered they were arrested. But the most horrible thing that happens to these patients is the mental illness itself.
BustedTrespasser there must have been another red Dodge up there besides mine. I was in the front by the T. Rex when you were walking around on the 2nd floor. I did not call the cops. Someone else called the superintendent of the job, and then he called the cops also because of the 50 ton dump truck accident. After I saw you and your Jeep I went to the ball park to get some pictures. After a while I saw the tow truck and you come out. I was leavening and got busted by the cops. I was taken down to the job trailer by the smoke stack. The cops questioned me, then the superintendent came along and straightened everything out. Hell I haul out of there during the week and got questioned on Sunday. I think its a bunch of bull shit due to the ASS HATS screwing with all the stuff. All it takes is one to screw it up.
I took the tour of KPPC this past Sunday. The guide told us a story. When the place had just been closed for a few years he was inside 93 (he's a historian). He heard knocking on the front door. There was a small group of people standing at the front of 93. He asked them what they wanted and they said "We're back!" . They were patients who had been released a few years ago, and they had decided to return to the hospital. They were sad to find it was closed.
I just toolk the tour this past Sunday.

It was great!
No, that was not me in the cafeteria. I was questioned by the police around 5:00pm. They wanted to know who I was and the whole 9 yards. After I explained to them, I was the guy who halls out of there all week and the superintendent showed up all was fine. They also wanted to know if any body else was up there, and who they are. I told them there was no one else up there, I knew there were some people left up there but I was not going to rat them out. All is well.
But now they are arresting people.
Cell Block Tango...right here right now! "Now, I'm standing in the kitchen carvin' up the chicken for dinner, minding my own business, and in storms my husband Wilbur, in a jealous rage. "You been screwin' the milkman," he says. He was crazy
and he kept screamin', "you been screwin the milkman." And then he ran into my knife.
He ran into my knife ten times!

The dirty bum, bum bum, bum, bum! They had it comin'

Ok...I'll stop now! LoL! I LOVE Chicago!
525,600 minutes...525,000 moments so dear

ME NEITHER...the film doesn't compare an ounce to the musical!
*looks adoringly at crowd and smiles enchantingly* I'm an opera singer :0) Hurrah for the arts!
Beautiful, it looks like a bombed out conversation.
125,600 minutes.....125,000 moments so dear...*shakes head* I can't belive they made it into a film.....
Isn't this from Dover's Stain Glass Window Coloring book?
the pickture is the freakyest thing it is so scary lol!!!
About seven years ago by vandals.