
Wouldn't you think though, that after this amount of time, all of the microbes would have died off/decomposed?
A friend of mine waded through neck-deep scumwater and took a photo holding the camera above his head the entire journey. The wall is impenetrable.
Ah, the delicacies of planet Melmac.
Actually there is very little use of this type of room. Usually they are hard plastic walls (think countertop material) and if you try to throw yourself against the walls, etc. We come in and tie you down to a medical bed with leather restraints and put a needle in your butt.
i can see 2 faces both near the ceeling, one at the upper right on the wall, one directly on the ceeling above the enlightended wall.
oh yea thx for the link, that would be my very next question as i want to see how that m8y mr. motts look like. hehe and i love the "- Elevator shaft climbing -" photo hehe. very creepy. =D
this pic is almost a little disturbing. all this faces and bodies. at the moment its 2.38am here and i think about better not have watched this pic at right this time. 8-o

mr. motts great job to go in there and take holiday pics!!! 8-q
Oh my...they've used the phrase "city within a city" about a thousand times already, and it's on 25% finished.

Hebridean Al, you did you body the biggest favour you could not trying it twice
Berthing areas on Navy ships were painted institutional green as late as the early 1980's.

I don't know about now. I still felt like killing a few shipmates. I might have actually offed one or more of them if not for the green. :D
BTW, these are some groovy pics. I hadn't checked out this gallery yet.
Ummm...I didn't know an appropriate place to post this, so i just picked a picture with no comments on it yet.

Tonite, at 8pm EST on the National Geographic Channel, there's a show about Grand Central Station. From the commercials, it seems like it'll be a really interesting show for people into UE. There's supposed to be lots of stuff you don't normally see.

Just thought i'd pass alomg the info to some people who might be interested.

8-10pm EST, National Geographic Channel.

8 )
mkaes you feel sterile don't you think
from this angle thr room looks to be barren and plain i think that to be strange for a psych office usually there are colored walls and such things as that
No, its brentwood, new york.