23 Comments Posted by Chip

the reason why the room was probably pink is because they say that shade of pink has a calming effect on people i grew up about a mile from that place a lot of horrible things happened there but if you study the history of mental health it is absolutly crazy the ridiculous things that were done to treat patients the farther you go back the worse it was today they just birage patient with the drug of the month from these co.
I remember back in the mid to late 70's there used to be a giant bat hanging at the end of the ride just as you approached those double doors at the end. Scared the hell out of my sister every time.
i love soap dispensers, but sometimes its hard to reach them and get the soap from it, especially is they're fixed so high above at the ceiling and no ladder in sight. *tzs*

do u see what i see??? i see 2 orbs, one just in the lower right corner of the doorway, the other on the left of the doorway at about the lower half of the door. im not that sure if the lower one is an orb or something else, but im pretty sure the upper one is an orb which is moving to the left. u can see its moving tail.
big one! the colors of all the plant stuff are strange. is it ice?
i loooooove befor-and-after-photos at all.
lol this reminds me of a whole bunch of patiens trying to pass through the door all at once. lol
hehe just kidding. though i need some *'hydrotherapy'. *g*
im amazed that this wonderful big tub is still in there. i wonder if anyone would miss it or just notice if i would sneak out with it. hehe. =)
great shot with great colors!!!
isnt the lower pipe supposed to be hold by the lower 'holder'?
i can see 2 faces both near the ceeling, one at the upper right on the wall, one directly on the ceeling above the enlightended wall.
oh yea thx for the link, that would be my very next question as i want to see how that m8y mr. motts look like. hehe and i love the "- Elevator shaft climbing -" photo hehe. very creepy. =D
this pic is almost a little disturbing. all this faces and bodies. at the moment its 2.38am here and i think about better not have watched this pic at right this time. 8-o

mr. motts great job to go in there and take holiday pics!!! 8-q