8 Comments Posted by |Beth|

Thank you for the lovely gallery Motts, and I hope you had a wonderful holiday season with your friends and family.
Another Lonely Chair™ shot. This is also an example of graffiti I can't stand. If you're going to go to the trouble of hauling cans of spray paint somewhere, do something artistic or decorative at least — don't just do whatever *that* is supposed to be.
I don't approve of graffiti in a convent mind you, but whoever did that work did an excellent job. I can appreciate street art or "tagging" when it's skillfully done, even if I don't like where they put it.
Ah, is this one of your patented Lonely Chair™ shots? It's gorgeous regardless.
Thank you for the early Christmas present, Motts. Finding a new gallery here is one of the highlights of any day. :-)
What a gorgeous shot. Is there any way you could make that a wallpaper?
Thanks for the wonderful new gallery, Motts. I always look forward to them when they arrive. Glad you didn't get the business end of that bird — he or she looks VERY unhappy with you! LOL
Oh, that's good. I'm going to steal that and use it myself sometime.