32 Comments Posted by wandererpyepoudre

wonderful how well put together thanx
so Josh how far did you get yes you are our famous post
this was really interesting
long distance call hope not
mass suicide
how beautiful if restored to originality wow thanx Motts
down the rabbit hole
check out latest video on utube flyover it looks great drone footage
wow great shot
the lone chair
i checked out utube and a recent video from dec 12 drone footage of deterioration it's still beautiful!!!!
hi stax been doing fine got back from ireland and scotland fantastic castles i got PR book and see why oakleigh Thorne bought the old girl would like to see recent pics of halcyon hall don't know where to look it looks better as it ages havent heard of demo coming up but it would be a mess for Bennett Commons will have to dig more and will report what i found out hear ya next year
just got back from Millbrook and saw Bennett several times- lots of little no trespassing signs in the Commons driveway and no parking everyplace - drats- however if U have seen the latest drone footage from u tube it'll show the latest condition of the ole' girl
i live in the midwest yuk go East