9 Comments Posted by monica

Hi, Im interested in filming here. Is this place often to the public? how can I come to take a look at it ?

please respond to my email:

or my cell #: 443 356 1550
Thank you for these.
You...are an AMAZING photographer!
this place is really creepy ive been there but the thing that i hate the most is the fact that many stupid people just go in there to do their stupid sacrifices and they like to fool around!
"it stands alone silent and forgotten wating for that curious one to look and fall in love with how it grows old with grace."
/ beauty in such strang places its charming./
I've been inside the place before, i didn't see any ghosts, or anything like that. i saw a bunch of name tags, chairs, chains, desks, beds, finger nail scratches.. true that kids could have done it to make the legend continue but who will ever know..
kayy.so i deff do think the state hospital is haunted cause my moms friend grew up in their as a ward of the state. shes not crazy! but she tld me house abusive that they were to people. i may be young and your probably like whats this little girl know..well actually im obsessed with the state hospital. and one day im gonna go their _X promise your that. well if you dont think this place is haunted then your a freakin idiot cause i mean they used to hang dead people on meat hooks. but its not haunted rightt. haha sikee.

kayy had to say that =]
Been there, seen that.
What a nice place! I hear from many people that they hear voices coming from the building. I want to take a visit some day and see it in person.