cool pic :) I'm going to take it! haha
Hi, Im interested in filming here. Is this place often to the public? how can I come to take a look at it ?

please respond to my email:

or my cell #: 443 356 1550
This main building burned down some time ago, but I'm really not sure what's going on with the property these days.
I doubt anyone will see this in time but how easy would it be to go check this place out for research for a novel?
It's a shame, the main building was set on fire in 2014. The community was working on a plan to repair the landmark- they won't have the chance now.
Recently visted the tome school but was very dissapointed when i found out the main building( as show above) had recetnly burned down on september 14th,2014. I had been meaning to visit but never got around to it. I visted a little over a week after the fire. Very beaitful campus but sad to see the beauty taken away. It seems there has been no one up to the campus in awhile for renovations or anything.
Is there anyway we can still visit this? Is it still standing or is it all just destroyed? I'm into doing some filming here...

Thanks in advance
I had to go there for math class in Memorial Hall. the building was in a state of decay even in 1989 when it was open with the Chesapeake Job Corps after it was Susquehanna Job Corp. So sad this building was really ornate in it's day
Ah, what a shame. Thanks for the update Robin.
Even in a state of neglect, the building was beautiful. Sorry to pass on an update that on Sept. 21, 2014 at approx. 2:45 am, Memorial Hall was destroyed by fire. No longer will the clock tower be visible above the tree line. I live in town and had the opportunity to photograph many of the buildings for Job Corp prior to their move in. If you look on facebook at Water Witch Fire Department you can see photos of the fire scene. But it is sad to look at.
that is terrifying
I attended NAPS in 1968-69. How sad to see that this once beautiful set of buildings and campus have fallen into such a state of disrepair
I attended NAPS during the '64-'65 term. I feel so sad to see how deteriorated condition this building is in. Everything was so beautiful at the time hard to imagine that anyone would allow all these buildings to go south like this. My time there was a "time in my life" type experience especially coming in from the Marine infantry unit at the time. LTJG Derek Snyder was my algebra instructor at the time. Hope all is going well with him. Semper Fi!
port deposit maryland. park in the public lot across from the stone steps. go up the steps, through a front yard, and then take jacob's ladder and head through the woods. eventually, you will see the clock tower.
Can someone post an address, nearby address, or directions to this place or something. My friend would go wild if i gave him a location like this for his photography.