36 Comments Posted by lee

I was in the class of 1973 at Pilgrim. We got the best education, better than degree schools. Our hands on training at Nassau hospital in Mineola, St Charles and other places gave us the best all round education. Dorm 69 was our home and it was like family.
I rode thru it with Colleen and Terry today ,12/2018, and was saddened by all the changes. I had never been back and now the place is flattened. The “nurses circle” still remains but there is a garage door through the front of dorm 69. Depressing but it is 38 years later.
I want a crib like that
I forgive you for not blogging for so long!
wow that is pretty creepy
incredible shot, one of my favorite in the set :)
great photo, interesting and very creepy at the same time
that is really great, just awesome.
Fab pictures and such shame that buildings as great as this one are left to rot through rack and ruin. These structures are a testament to our forgotten heritage and what once made us proud.
those are " collection " specimen bottles, not medication.
Pretty risky. Looks like quite a fall if the structure decided to give way.
R.I.P. Letchworth
My father played in the show band for many years. I met all the acts as a kid. I remember hanging backstage. What a shame for ALL the hotels.
My father played in the show band for many years. I met all the acts as a kid. I remember hanging backstage. What a shame for ALL the hotels.
Speaking of Danvers State Hospital, I worked right next to therea few times and took a look around in there. There are a lot of factors that make a place like that make the hairs on your neck stand up. First, the look of the place, such as the morgue, and the halls. Then there's the odd feeling when you think about the things that went on in there... I know 2 people that were released from there. The stories..... I'll leave it at that. Nothing to take lightly. But a great place to get the crap scared out of you.
looks like somthing out of silent hill