767 Comments Posted by flushed

I like that character painted on the side. It looks like one of the creatures from that Pirate movie with Johnny Depp acting like Keith Richards.
Apparently that hospital has been designated "hell on earth" according to recent reports in the papers, Chris Pharo. I imagine its for lack of will to fund it properly.
Probably the water closet Tony C
the rubber hose is back in that weird sink.
You crack me up.
You are the flip side of the coin you're bitchin about.
You can't blame Motts for anything anyone else does. There are thousands of sites and videos of Detroit of all kinds online.
Luova kuvakulma monelle ei niin arkipäiväisistä asioista... :)
translation-Creative image angle for many not so mundane things
@Detroit Resident, You have mistaken the intent and context of this site. The photographer is a resident of Detroit by choice not birth.
Ha! Fooled me :)
Mica, it is more likely those are glazed brick or cinder blocks.
They do that with HVAC on remodels when there is no space to put them within the footprint of the new construction. I would guess they put larger all new heat/cool units on the roof to supply these ducts.
is that thing actually growing there?
"For Brain Nerve Only" Zoinks!
Too funny. Scrolling through today I noticed it for the first time and realized what it is only to find I have been beaten to the punch. :) I did not know it was called a shooting stick but I did know it was a walking stick/seat. Good call crankbv1.
Apropos your previous post We used to have an egg beater in my home back in the 70's. Since I have been on my own and cooking on my for myself I use a fork. :)
what do you want for nothing, rubber biscuit?