767 Comments Posted by flushed

It is removable and is used for shaving. Muahhhahahahah
The pin had to flip over and stay to score. That is what the second metal bar across is for.
The theory goes; As long as the can is sealed whatever is inside is good.
I expect any dry crackers in a sealed can would be nasty but edible. I wouldn't chance it if the outside of the can was rusted or coated in dirt as it only takes a pinhole leak to spoil whatever is inside.
At last my arm is complete again!
" And though I'll think of you, I guess, until the day I die, I think I miss you less and less as every day goes by."
Sweeney Todd
Odd that it seems to be getting more light from behind the camera than it does from the windows I assume are meant to give the solarium light.
100K!!!! It must have been very close to collapsing as I would think they'd get an entirely new entryway with Brass Doors for that price.
I imagine they aren't flush with cash in Natchez like most of the US these days and fixing up the facade to keep the street looking serviceable was probably the best they could do until such time as it sells and a new owner builds.
This is the link on google. The thumbnail was of the exterior of the hospital looking at the back of the Y on the right and the big square section on the left. There was a small area surrounded by orange rollout fencing i think it was a hole.
Oh well.
The pics were credited to Opacity, I just assumed you edited the two galleries at some point.
The Exit sign is a lighted sign for emergencies, it will have a battery power supply that triggers it to go on when the power keeping it charged fails. The Out/In I presume was to regulate the kiddies in daily operations of the school.
Sorry forgot to paste the link\
Look at the pics on this wkipedia page
Mica look for them the next time you see a movie with a large office. The big square florescent lights are also 2'x4' the space between them in a drop ceiling (another name for it) are the described pieces of fiberglass and pulp wood used to make them. I guess calling them 'tiles' isn't as accurate as I could have been. I just couldn't think of the proper name, still can't.