104 Comments Posted by Violet

Love the cables an the left, would be worth a close-up!
You are able to photograph nothing but a *door* in such an impressive way. I´m photographing too, but that is something I´d never been able to yet.
But doesn´t it give such wonderful creepy thrills to just think and demand on it being a crib ;) ? I mean thats what this page is - amongst many other things - about. Fantasy. Morbid Fantasy.
And by the way, I too believe it´s a crate. How boring ^^
Sometimes funny what people think of psychiatries. There have been bad treatments in the very past (and atmittedly still there are some that are not comfortable) but could you imagine that there has been treatment for the "poor and wretches" that really had the aim to *help* poeple who are *ill*. Just as Grace said - hydrotherapy isn´t torture ;)
I mean no one would call a medical hospital a hellish place just because beeing *physically* ill and many treatments aren´t comfortable.

Sorry for off-topic, it´s just the idea of an "shockbath" that amuses me a bit.
The chairleg in front looks like the moss is eating it
The right one looks as if there were a hole underneath it..? Maybe room for the cables?
Once again insect-like - the candelabras look like big black iron spiders hanging in their webs *brrr*
One thing I really love at this site is all the info about those old machines, thanks a lot for the link, Gulliver! I´m very into old machines.
The crooked remains of the chairs look like cockroaches.... well, big cockroaches^^
A Fear Defined :D
XD My,God I knew that name was familiar!
The president of the Singer Corp. Frederick Gilbert Bourne, had a Castle built on the St.Lawrence River,about a 30 min. drive from where I live;they've been renovating the castle for some time now and it's open to the public,but God a part of me wishes they'd just leave it alone XD It was amazing to go through it.
Waited so long for this update XD
And just in time for Easter!
Happy Easter Motts!
I squealed so loud when I saw you had a new gallery up XD I can't wait to see the rest!
The chair in the back looks like it's crawling forward.
Kinda sad
Hmmm...I think in order to make that kind of pattern,they'd have to skin the body,bend it at an odd angle and wedge in into the corrner,somewhere close to the ceiling to get the blood to run down like that o0 Joys all around