104 Comments Posted by Violet

:) Nice point of view about Germany but unfortunately I have to admit that graffiti is very common here, esp. in places like these and if they are acessable. The most abandoned places I have been looked the same or even worse, sad it is. I think young guys who go there to party or spray don´t care much about the german image of beeing clean and organized ;)
The workers at Zollverein must have not too happy with a (mental^^?) patient araound at a cokery plant....
Wow- though I´ve been there so many times Zollverein never looked this impressive!!
Toot - the thing with this area is that it would be way to expensive to deconstruct those metal-monsters and, tragically, coking plants are no longer needed. It now is a park and all the constructs are -more or less- open for visitors. I think this is a good way to cope with such areas, not just closing them and letting them rot away but open them to the public. Zollverein is one of the most popular places at the Ruhr-Area!
The title is just so wonderful..... *sigh*
As this area is a park now open for visitors everywhere nothing there is still functioning. Everything has been turned off and cut from electricity to make it as safe as possible. But it still looks cool, because aside from making it safe nothing has been removed!
Not a shadow but a tree
They mostly contained conveyor belts for coal. Some of the smaller ones now contain stairs for the visitors of the park.
Well, "but" and "around" are the words.. ;)
Zollverein is just such a wonderful place to be. Although its a park it still looks very abandoned at many corners. Bur a way better place to wallow in rust is Landschaftspark Duisburg, also a park now, on the grounds of an abandoned smeltery. Both are just araund the place I live :)
It is a gas-cooling device :)
Krankenzimmer just means a patients room at a hospital, or sickroom.
It says orthopeadic clinic, surgical section, no access permitted.
If anyone´s interested ;)
"Montierer-Werkstatt" wich means assembling-workshop. Don´t know what the first word could mean, maybe an abbrevation.
Does anyone know if it is really possible to catch TB from the items after so many years?
In fact, I´m always asking myself when looking at pics from TB-Hospitals.