444 Comments Posted by Puddleboy

Good name. I do have a comment on this photo. What appears to be footprints on the sign, seems to be fingerprints upon closer inspection.
I've seen this in other pictures here. I first thought they were raindrops.
I want to get a large flat screen monitor too (so I could see pictures of dead animals on a large screen? Maybe I should re-think this one LOL)
I first read about the story of 'the little boy' in 'Wierd NJ' magazine. It was in a 2002 issue. Wierd NJ has a website, but I don't think they archive articles.
I have an extra monitor in my basement.

Ya need??? (LOL)
Poor Rocky. He finally mis-judged his flight and went right into the wall.

He will be missed.

..... Bullwinkle
I just brightened up the photo (it came out stunningly beautiful) I also enlarged it to the point where it became distorted, but enough to see that there is a tree in there. It looks like it's growing out of the window.
And next, this will be the first website to feature photos in wonderful panoramic Smell~O~Rama (I'm showing my age with that word)

Though I think we all know what 'ewww' smells like.
Ewww wouldn't have held all these years. I thought this stuff was nailed in.
"Hey daddio, make that type O"

from "Transfusion" by Nervous Norvus (1956)
... and all the violence contained during as much time, began to arise, covering everything with a declining aspect...
I thought Gettysburg was a national monument, thus can not be touched by Wal*Mart. I was only there once. Easter Sunday 1964
Yes, what was once a happy, healthy bird is now a star. Destined to live forever via the above picture.
From reading the older comments, I've noticed a few names that are no longer active.

I've been exploring old buildings for years. A few years back we had a whole bunch of them here, that were open, and you could walk right in. All of these have become re-occupied again except one which burned to the ground.

Since I've been carrying a camera, I haven't found any that were 'open', but I have walked around the outside of a few. There are several along a major highway that takes you to Atlantic City.
Note the way the shirt is spread out, like it has too much starch in it. It couldn't be ironed, so they used it as a rug.