3,698 Comments Posted by Motts

Hard to say; I'd guess it was from a building inspection to determine the feasibility of re-use, or for locating asbestos, etc.
I've never seen a lamp shade like this one... I'd guess it's something from the 1950s-60s.
I think it was all cheap plastic.
They weren't fired, so probably not.
It's just painted acoustic tile, made of a cardboard like substance.
Claudia, I think you're right, that does look like the old organ!
Cool thanks Crissy!
I didn't try it. It could've been a laundry chute, or access to the steam pipes.
Thanks; unfortunately I don't get to do much historical research before heading out; after the initial map/access research, there just isn't enough time. Many places are even demolished or renovated by the time I get there due to spotty info or outdated maps. I just started finding abandoned places around my local area, and just spread out from there!
The dome appears to be a wooden structure (it's collapsed, but extant), and was sheathed with copper as a decorative roofing element, so they just pried it off the lathe.
I believe most of the ornamental plaster was removed and sold.
Old plaster work in decent condition can actually fetch a high price. Some ceiling coffers from the Palace's lobby had apparently wound up on a salvage website in 2006; they claim to have purchased it from a "reputable dealer" in Chicago. Their site has an entire section just for old movie palace artifacts:
Yup, probably a ladder used to access the lighting and HVAC equipment above the ceiling.
I'm surprised I didn't see any; we wound our way from Natchez to the ghost town of Rodney through some back roads using a GPS. One crossing had a bridge that looked like it had collapsed 20 years ago, and another road just faded away into the forest... it was fun and kinda creepy getting lost back there!
Sorry for the delay, wallpaper added!