3,698 Comments Posted by Motts

Thanks! Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to check out Ft. McClellan, as it had to be a pretty quick drive from Atlanta to NOLA, but it's on my map.
Yep I was able to explore the original Bryce Hospital, although it wasn't easy. I believe the university is renovating it these days.
Yes, the chapel is a separate building, added by the sisters in 1896.
Nope, I still haven't really had any paranormal experiences!
I thought about removing the mirror from my old 5D, but no they're all stock camera bodies with a R72 filter. I think the lens and the camera body make a difference - I was able to pull colors from my very old Digital Rebel, but the 5D (I & II) don't grab much color at all, so I wind up with mostly B&W/monotone infrared photos.

Try pushing the white balance to the very cold temp side; some parts get washed out with too much red. The result still needs a LOT of contrast work to make it pop nicely.
I believe it's all painted plasterwork.
Yes, it's stained glass. The lack of graffiti and vandalism was really astounding at this location.
Thanks Eileen! I suppose it's ok if it's credited to this website - I've added a Pinterest button to facilitate this (you may need to refresh the page).
Tis a shame; thanks for the update!
I believe the porch was removed by the developer and would be placed back onto the building during the restoration process, rather than having it continue to deteriorate or get scrapped remaining on the structure.
It's a track for a big old operating lamp, which was probably taken away for scrap or salvage. Here's a photo of an intact one: http://opacity.us/imag...6_operating_room.htm
Cool thanks Tim!
It looks like packed fiberglass to me, but I'm no expert so I try to assume all loose insulation contains asbestos when encountering it.
Pure copper goes for about $3/lb these days, but the price fluctuates constantly.
Thanks; it's all natural light from the open emergency exit door, located on the mezzanine.