203 Comments Posted by MomPink

That's about the luck we've had with plastic sheeting. It gets brittle, then it crumbles and is a royal pain to clean up. My cat would love those broad windowsills, though. It's a perfect spot for watching birds.
Talk about a dicey floor! Where did the cement go? It seems an odd shape for a movie theater, with that alcove on the left and all those tall windows. Oh wait. The alcove is where they put the refreshment stand, right?
What an interesting little nook. It makes me wonder who walked there and where they were going, and why. And yep, not only was the floor dicey, but the walls, too. You can really see the building's age here.
It's another place where the original appearance is asserting itself over the newer 'improvements.' Very haunting.
The title of this picture is very appropriate. It's like a cross section of time. Ack. I LOATHE that paneling! The stairway on the right is lovely.
I love these shots down a long hallway with light and shadow. I want to walk down there and go through that door at the end. It's like Alice in Wonderland. Oh wait! Did I just see the March Hare?
I can't remember what this is called (infared, maybe?), but it gives the building an ethereal quallity. Very nicely done.
That ceiling is so high, it makes the door look too short. I've never played paintball -- but who would they be shooting at up that high?
I like the colors. The pink and green make it look like Spring.
The balusters are very Art Deco-looking, but don't seem appropriate for a hospital. The squiggly snake-like uprights inject a feeling of tension.
What a beautiful doorway. I want it.
Love those light fixtures. I'd like a table in that nice alcove on the right, please, and bring me lots of hot coffee and fresh bread.
It's probably a floor drain. It does look like it could have been a kitchen. At least in this building, they seem to have removed all the furnishings and appliances, rather than leaving them behind to rot.
Oh, wow. Look at the way it's coming off the wall, and how clean the wall underneath is.
I love that window and the way the sunlight floods in. Is that tattered plastic sheeting in the window? The trees are so beautiful, they almost look like a painting. I guess whoever redecorated this place couldn't figure out how to wreck the window or the view, so they had to cover it up --?
I love this shot with the contrast of light and shadow and that pretty but pointless archway. But it's jarring to me the way the decor doesn't go with the architecture.