203 Comments Posted by MomPink

It must have been lovely at one time, but they sure did manage to cover up the beauty.
There seem to be a lot of lights in that ceiling. And it's interesting the way the newer cement is coming off the ceiling -- or maybe it was just slapped on that way to hold ceiling tiles in place -- but if so, where are they?
My first thought when I looked at this picture was that it was a room with a pool (for hydrotheraphy perhaps), or a bathroom. But since there aren't any pipes or places where pipes used to be, operating room is probably a better guess. I wonder what that interesting-looking alcove on the left was for. Also, on that same wall, it looks like there used to be tall arched doorways that were bricked in. It's a very interesting room. It looks like the 'old' is overtaking the 'new.'
Very strange that they didn't put the walls all the way up.
Framed in that doorway with the billious color, it seems to have died an appropriately agonizing death.
The light fixture on the left looks like it tried to commit suicide.
Hideous indeed. How COULD they?
Mama and Lucie: ROFL!!!
Another wonderful gallery. Your photographs are so evocative. Well done.
It must have been a valiant little tree -- look how many needles are still on it even though it was left to wither and die, neglected and unwatered, alone in the dark.
Maybe the local junior hight / middle school painted it for them.
I guess that's supposed to be a dance floor there between the pillars. Even in its day, this place looks like it was kind of tacky.
Hey, some of those folks are still plugged in. I wonder what the last conversations on that board were about.
That is macabre.
It looks like the opening sequence to a horror movie with those corroded racks, the spiky shadows on the rotting wall AND the hanging bloodshot eyeball light fixture.