203 Comments Posted by MomPink

Anyone could take a picture of some dusty old valves against a crumbling wall, but Motts makes it an artistic statement. The stark white light shining down on the pipes and the colors on the wall... I could frame this and hang it on my wall. It's perfect.
In the fifty years since this building was abandoned, those trees must have grown up to frame that window. The view out that window fifty years ago was no doubt beautiful, but now it's indescribably beautiful.
I love fountains. The trees snuggled up against the railing there make the pavilion so inviting. I could sit there for hours.
Graffiti artists: PHOOEY! But I like this seafoam green color much more than that Pepto Bismol pink. And the angle of this shot makes me want to walk down this hallway and around that corner.
The building may be abandoned, but there's still so much life here. The fog just adds to the beauty.
The interplay of the light and shadows plus the view through the window on the left adds so much dimension and depth to the picture.
What a positively lovely building. I really like the railing on that balcony outside the window. It just begs you to step out there and feel the wind on your face.
Rather than looking like an abandoned building, this picture looks more like there's just been a storm and the plants blew in on the wind. It's in wonderful shape and the scenery takes my breath away.
OMG!!!!!!!! WANT THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a strange little hospital. It looks newer on the outside than on the inside. Fixed up, it could be a great resort.

These galleries are like reading a really good book -- I can't stop until I get to the end; then I'm a little sad when I finish. Thank you for another fine job.
Poor things. Why go to all the trouble of dragging them down here? I'd love to have seen this area when it was new. That's my favorite thing about these old buildings -- you can see that they were once beautiful, full of light and life. Now... (sighs and shakes head).
Whoa. Not much updating done here. How deliciously timeless. Is that a fuse box on the wall on the left? Love that vaulted ceiling.
My first impression: It's a map of Africa on the wall.
The wallpaper is so faded it's hard to tell, but it looks like at one time it had a sort of 1970s elegance. Doesn't look like a room in a hospital.
What a lovely light-filled stairwell. But with the carpeting and baluster, it looks like it belongs on a cruise ship.