203 Comments Posted by MomPink

Ah! Motel 6: "We'll leave the light on for ya."
Thank you, Fangirl. I mean, grazie. :)
Oh, wow. I looked right at that and didn't see the wolf face until you mentioned it. I was looking at the pretty leaves and trying to see where the driveway/walkway went. Pretty magical.
Suddenly, the strangely highlighted pink door swings open -- and Nurse Ratchett comes striding briskly down the hall...
HOLY CRAP!! I'm concentrating on these beautiful, haunting pictures, it's quiet in the house -- and two of my cats just got into a screaming match. Whew!! Their dinner is late and now I have to go change my underwear.

Another very fine gallery, Motts. Grazzi (is that the right word?)
That gate and fence is just beautiful. Is this a black & white picture, or infared? It has a kind of ethereal quality. The whole thing glows. Lovely.
It is a lovely, serene place, but I think I see what -B- is seeing about the trees. I can't think of any other way of describing it, either. Just 'odd' trees. And that ivy is really something!
It's not odd; it's just dead -- which adds a spooky element to the picture. That's a strange, flimsy little canopy thingy over the door. It almost looks like that area started out to be a porch and then they closed it in.
This room has a monastic feel. It looks like it could have been a nice place to contemplate or meditate -- or something.
I've seen stained glass like that in some churches. Very pretty on a sunny day.
Holy cow! I feel like I need to get a shot just from looking at this picture! What is this? The dungeon? That hole looks like a trap door where they dropped the bodies through.
Oooooh. I love the pinky-beige color, the way the window has been repaired with a dark panel and the way the stucco (?) is falling off the wall. Any idea what they kept on all those shelves? Are the shelves crooked, or is it just the camera angle?
I love the perspective of this shot, and the tiny bit of ivy peeking over the windowsill echoed by the green showing through the door at the end. Did your footsteps echo
Yeah, I'm definitely going to decorate my house with ivy; however, I don't think I want a vine that's as pernnicious as this. It looks like the kind that will strangle you in your sleep. Anyway, this is a beautiful shot. What were you standing on?
So, um, like, they come here for transfusions?