203 Comments Posted by MomPink

Can you imagine having to drag yourself to work there every day? What a hardship to have to look at that view (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)!
Fabulous shot. I love the contrast of the old buildings in the foreground, successively newer buildings in the background and rolling fields. In the right of the shot, just along the horizon, it looks like there might be some wind turbines. And nature ties the past to the futurre.
This could be a splendid cover for a book -- maybe a murder mystery or political thriller...
I wonder what the little square holes in the floor were for.
What a beautiful shot. I don't know what those cylinders are (maybe unused ducts?), but I'm picturing small trucks or maybe even horse-drawn carts parked under those little chutes, gathering the harvested grain to be delivered to customers.
That little bit of archway showing through the plaster is tantalizing.
Maybe it's just me, but it looks like that corner is about to disappear back in time.
This was a factory or a mill --? and yet such beautiful colors. And that is a beautiful railing.
So still and shaadowy now; how bright and busy must it have been then...
How many feet walked those floors? How many eyes looked out those windows? How many voices echoed off those walls? And now it's so still and empty.
What everybody said -- me too. This is a fabulously beautiful shot.
The goats will take care of the grass -- it looks cool and green. Love the way the trees frame the view.
What a great place to be a goat -- he (she?) looks contented.
No pretty colors here. Just the appearance of that door gives me goosebumps.
How magical! It looks like you could walk down there toward the light and wind up fantasyland. Let's go!