34 Comments Posted by Kittykat

Aussie, the building is not gone. The tower is gone, which they were going to turn into a parking lot (I think), but the atcual sterling Hotel is still there. What do you think Silkster... someday the renovations will be complete. Maybe we just need to "believe"... LOL
Hey Silk, I heard pretty much the same thing you did. I live only a few blocks from the hotel. :)
Just to clarify - the tall building was demo'd... and trust me, it needed to be torn down. The actual Hotel sterling still stands and it is still vacant. I live just down the street from this hotel.
The houes are, in fact, occupied.
There are so many intact windows because the building is very tall. It is difficult to capture exactly how tall it is in just a picture.
That culm. There are huge culm piles all over NEPA. Basically it is a sand like substance that is composed of dirt, soil, and other materials left over from mining activities. Many of the culm piles here are close to 100 years old.
This is about 20 mins from my house. How cool that you were so close Motts!
This is, by far, the most disgusting/disturbing picture I have ever seen on here. This, however, does not negate my need to pour over every detail of the photo.
So sad that this lies in waste...
I ove the woodwaork, but also look at the detailing on the ceiling!!!! Just gorgeous.
This is so early 1900's, I love it.
Wow. That would be enough to freak me out. In the photo, that looks like a real skull... Is it Motts?

BTW - once again your photos are truly exceptional.
Just beautiful.
Just wonderful! it so refreshing to see such color!
This is stunning.