106 Comments Posted by Junkyardave

That green shell in the corner almost looks like a switch cover or something.....
Where in NM was that TB hospital (Generally speaking.....of course!)
Thank you, Mr. Motts.
Awesome capture, Motts; Thx for the wallpaper!
Is that a push-button light switch?!? I haven't seen those for YEARS!
Pretty cool.
Awesome as usual, Mr. Motts! Thank you!
Thanks once again! Awesome photography!
Thanks for the teaser, Mr. Motts! Very much looking forward to the new gallery. I appreciate all that goes into your galleries, and that you share it w/ us!
That's pretty weird. I'd like to have the lamp post in my front yard, though.
Thanks again for another GREAT gallery, Mr. Motts!
Strange place for an exhaust fan.....right in the middle of that...uh...
He's protecting our parks
LOL Binky. 2001: A Space Odyssey. HAL! HAL!
That outfit looks relatively new.....
The light trails add an eerie twist.....
Good stuff, Mr. Motts!