537 Comments Posted by Felyne

'kids' skate there? Motts, are you showing your age? Damn, just as I was thinking you were kinda 'cool' too.
I agree Secretattic1. Although to belong in jail have to be found guilty of a crime. And what sentence would you offer, and what do you do with them once their sentence has been served? Its a huge problem that faces most societies right now, without an immediate solution presenting itself.

I'm sure Navi's reference to 'treating' them wasn't intended how I read it.
Good idea Robert, grab the snow machine and lets go boarding!
Sad, that chandellier was tres cool!

I hope a Poul Henningsen fan has it, and is sitting under it this minute enjoying its company.
The couple in the middle are making out.
Syncronized Swimming!
Oh my! *backs away slowly, making no sudden moves*
"small things amuse small minds"

My mum is always saying that to me.
Everytime I see CAS I think I'm talking to myself.... or people are screaming at me.

Horizontal huh... I think I prefer vertical myself.. its so much more... random.... I mean, you can plug in up top or down low.....
I think it's you, I don't see that at all.
PML! Motts needs a secretary.
You guys are really weird. PML!

We call them sockets here. Wall sockets. But then I was just chatting on another blog about Ice Blocks. We call popsicles IceBlocks, and what you call iceblocks we call icecubes or just plain 'ice'. Oh, and we have NO EXITs not no outlets. hahaha we all speak the same language, yet we dont.

We're all weirdos on this crazy place we call Earth. :)
Okay, I have the answer. It's where they stored their cigarettes. Nicotine is both an S1 and S4 category poison. Plus, their for internal use, right. And it explains why there lock appears so used. It's the only logical explanation.


I promise I'm letting this go now. Promise.
*is now terribly confused*
Check this out:
Safety Phrase S1 "keep locked up"

And Risk Phrase R4 "Forms very sensitive explosive metallic compounds". Perhaps we're missing a few numbers after that, or at least good thing you didn't open the cupbard

There is also this article about handling poisons which states: "scheduled poisons are marked S1 by BDH" That is from a university... http://www.sussex.ac.u...20Act%201972%20S1%22