537 Comments Posted by Felyne

wow... absolutely striking.
That's cool, in a very cute way.
I am so beside myself with fear that I'm having trouble typing this comment.
Complete with overturned chair even.
Nothing like being asthetically pleasing.
I'm with mAliss: "fuck you, DW. no animal deserves to end up as a coat."

*puts on checkgirl uniform and speaks into microphone* Pricecheck, I need a price check on a Raccoon.
Navi your point is extremely valid. Mental disorder is such an individual thing, I think the biggest mistake society makes is sticking the same label on everyone and trying to manage them all with the same process.

Remember, its society. There are no right or wrong answers, and your opinion matters just as much as the person next to you, irrelevant of their expertise. Look how wrong professionals have been in the past. We all have to do the best with the time given to us.
Thanks for that Navi, I wasn't too sure where you were coming from. I agree with you, criminals with mental disorders also need to have treatment available to them, and that is something we have in our jails here in NZ. Do US jails not have that accommodation?
All I can think is... board park!
Oooh baby, Oooh baby.
PML I was looking at the pic thinking this is cleaner than my bathroom, then read your comment.

"dirt just doesn't like minty-sea-foamy green and pale-promdress peach." Hahaha even the mold won't grow on it. You know, if you wait long enough, it'll become the fashion again.
Our light switches are off when they're up, but then we also have horizontal wall sockets.
"Mine's bigger than yours"
I'm just giving you stick. I didn't take it as a derogatory comment against skaters, rather the sentiment that you must feel a lot older now. I don't think anyone should ever stop their inner child from playing, it keeps the fun in what has become an OhSoSerious world . I've been thinking about it and reading your 'kids' remark made the decision for me, I'm gonna get myself a skateboard and learn. God help me.

So there you go again, Mr Motts, changing complete strangers lives again with your small corner of the internet. You rock!
Navi, are you suggesting someone with a mental disorder should not be treated as a criminal, even if they have committed (and been found guilty of) a crime?