537 Comments Posted by Felyne

Very, very cool, sir.
It's a sporran.
one of these things... [removed at request of poster]

argh, won't let me post the url.. sorry, might have to copy and paste if you want to see it.
Its not a satchel, its one of those scottish doofers... damn, my friends husband wore it at their wedding.... it has a name... let me find out.
Is one of the caskets missing, or has someone just not died yet?
I apologise profusely. If I thought for a moment you would take me seriously I would never have opened my big fat mouth. I'm horribly terribly awfully sorry, I retract it all. My bad.
*puts paws on the table*
Haha Krow, he also calls teenagers "kids". I bet he uses the word 'neat' a lot too.

;) just playing
OMG You're right! That's not a lamp, its a pine scented air freshener!
Wooohoo! Ten fluffy Felyne points to JR! You my friend are now among a very select group who actually gets my sense of humour. We're gonna get along just fine.

And cats may use the carpet (which I would like to point out in a lot of places is growing and nice grassy green) as a litterbox, but I can guarantee you they will never, ever steal your camera (it's against the feline code... that and most cats are so vain they prefer to be in front of the lens, not behind it).

So the moral of this story is, Motts you just be glad they're non-camera stealing cats and nothing much much worse my friend.

JR I think Im joining your imagination.....
okay I'm starting to resent all these wild accusations of cats stinking. Imagine if they were dogs or even worse, monkeys! Don't make me go all 'Bucky Katt' on your ass!
Wow! This photo is amazing, just look at the texture of that page!

So many galleries I haven't even been to get..... so many photos, such little time...
Doh! I thought it was a window! *sigh* I need more coffee....
I put it to you that the attitude Rebecca has just exhibited is the reason these places were situated miles from the sane people, and never ever spoken of.... Uncle Walter went off to live in the country, you know.
Argh! I'm supposed to be moving to San Diego in November but if I'm back here Feb/Mar I'll catch up with you for sure!

Feel free to email me if you want info: felyne@felyne.com