969 Comments Posted by Canada

way cool I could see "Pyramid Head" from "Silent Hill" standing on the other side of that door.

What's on the other side of the door?
death or
The last movie here ahd to be...
"American Graffiti"

I don't know why but I feel really sad looking upon this photo. It's like all the good old days have died. We own a 1959 T-Bird and now I look at that dead sign I can't help think of how sweet it would be to take a girl to a movie while in that old T-bird.... It's truly sad to look at that sign and think of just how simple life was back in the old days were the rest of the world seemed so far away..... thanks for killing innocence CNN!

Love the pic Motts simple yet so sad.... I'd love too have seen the neon all lit up.
Damn! Makes me think of all the POW's back in WWII.

Stunning shot.
Creepy. Think about all the body's that have been on that thing.....brrrrr.
So this is were it all started.
"Long live the soap dispensers."
Poor Motts he will never live this down. Bit it's all in good fun right?
Thanks Joseph that's really interesting.
Sane Smirk
I''m Canadian
I'm male
And I have been coming to this sight for almost a year and I love these pic's!

I want to get into Urban photography because of all there unreal shots that Motts takes.
Right now I take pic's of old abandoned cars. Or anything else that catches my eyes.

If anybody wants to see them E-mail me at cargeek-101@hotmail.com.
What else can I saw but thank-you for all the stunning shots.

You are amazing Motts.
To put this shot into word would tarnish the image. There are now words out there for the detail of this shot.

Wallpaper Motts!
Tragic that it's going to be torn down. The architecture is stunning. To ram a bulldozer though something like this is a sin. Hell why don't you just tear down the queens castle.

I mean this place is almost 200 years old! even if you can save half of it, it'd make a wonderful hotel.
maybe it was some wedding crashers? LOL!

I know it's a bad joke.

(hanging head in shame.)

(crawling under desk.)
It would have been really cool to have the bride at the end of the hall. It'd make on hell of a wicked ghost shot change title to....
"Corpse Bride."

I'd love to get married in a place like this first thin find a girl who would like to marry a lonely Canadian.... Any takers?
It's so sad that such an amazing castle has to come down. I understand that it's probably beyond hope to fix. I just hope that they keep at least some of the stained glass and other things for a museum or something.
Looks like the classic cartoons were you open a door and everything falls on you.
When in doubt go left...Right.