89 Comments Posted by Ari

Wow, that's really neat! All I can picture is some mad scientist haha like a scene from a Frankenstein film or something in that thing.
gosh, I really wonder what it must have been like to have gone to school there!
Dare you guys to step inside of it and stand in there with your eyes close and see if you teleport anywhere :P
Woahh, that desk bit is still there. Amazing.
IT'S A TIME PORTAAAL!! Imagine stepping through that beauty and ending up in that place when it was at its prime? haha imagination..
Wow, it's like the entire personality of the place was ripped away =[
This is a great pic.
I live in the apartments they renovated this place into.
They made these into trash disposals, I believe.
Its so hard to imagine that this place used to be an asylum, its absolutely beautiful now(:
I wouldn't mind living in the partially abandoned place either. Would make my life somewhat more interesting lol. Plus I imagine it would be like one of those hidden cheap spots; quite budget friendly for us college students :D
There's a really old house like that in my neighbourhood with the circled shapes. We call it the castle house ;p
Haha forget their own kids, those kids probably have great grand kids by now or something!
Fascinating set..... thanks a lot!
Ugh eww. I wonder how old these ones are?
Reminds me of Ghostbusters hehe the fridge that opens into the gates of the underworld or whatever. The creepy light is what did it. Crazy that those two samples are still there though.. made for a great pic.
Wow.. how haunting and solitary.. amazing capture nonetheless.
Wow, these are amazing. Only books I see like that are on my grandma's shelves or perhaps in my school's library haha.