11 Comments Posted by Aimee

First time I visited this site it gave me chills, its a beautiful structure.
No way you'd ever get me to go near that edge. Klaz photo Motts. =]
The line in the middle of the walls is cool. It looks like it's curved, rather than 3 different walls.
It kind of reminds me of a wedding gone wrong.
I'm 13, and in our locker room in school last year was a little port a cabin seperate from the main school building, and near the top of the school grounds.

We had two fire extinghuisers (sp?) in there when we where moved into it about half through the year.

By the end of the second week we'd finished both of them. ^^'
Spidergirl - can't you think of anything nice to say?

I mean just one thing that doesn't involve abuse of some kind? Maybe you could comment on the fantastic lighting, or the angle or the colours?

Maybe just something that doesn't involve some wild accusation of abuse
Lynne, your posts are fantastic, they are so informative. The websites you post are also great. I think it is more important to learn from someone like you and really enjoy reading your posts. Thankyou!!!
I'd rather be able to see my patients thorugh a window than either
A: keep opening the door to check on them every two minutes and disturb their bathing time, or
B: Stand fretting that they were drowning

Get a grip girl!
xtiml, what on earth???

On a totally seperate topic, and back to the photograph, many hospitals of this type did not have curtains on the showers and baths: It was felt that the learning disabled/ mentally ill were unable to appreciate the privacy a curtain woud have ensured. It was assumed that they could not feel shame or embarassment like other people and as such didn't need curtain. Architects designing the properties were instructed not to install them. I have also have been told it was a cost-saving measure.
RE Jon's 17-07-05 comment. I am a Mental Health Nurse and work in a large English Psychiatric Hospital and, just so you know, we ALL work tirelessly to keep it VERY clean. The cleaning team are fantastic, and work for a meagre wage to ensure that the residents have as nice an environment as possible for the duration of their stay.
why did this place shut down?