1,382 Comments for Dixmont State Hospital

I was put in that room in 1974. Was there for approx. one week. Pissy matresss o the floor to sleep on. No blankets. Bars or screen on the backside where the snow blew into the room. It was never quiet in this place. Always someone screaming, moaning, and of course talking to themselves. It was a nightmare I will never ever forget. I stayed at this institution for almost a year before I turned 18 and was released. I was placed there for admittig to smoking pot, and vowing not to quit. LOL Some of the doctors and nurses there were the most evil of people too. Some stories I could tell....
Just happen to run accross this site.. the picture is very strange... to the right of the head area there's a face. STRANGE
It looks so alone and lost...As if it's mourning and pining for the old days when it was well used and lcared for.
Welcome to The Department of Redundancy Department.
oops, have
the cloud in the upper right looks like a swan. something graceful within the hard lines of the structure.
Rumor has it they are turning Waverly Hills into a Hotel.
Ah, the labels were simple for all to understand, now everything has some complicated name, so that we need a dictionary for interpretation......lol
It would appear that the curtains freak everyone out, otherwise they would ahve been swiped....
Amazing old pics......
I wonder what could have been so important to require a safe!?!
Perhaps they were worried about the Russians and needed and escape route.....
The lab would have been like any hospital or health department lab. No torture. Just samples on slides to look for parasites like nematodes (blood fluke sort of thing) and hookworms. Blood drawn into little vaccutainer tubes to do basic bloodwork to diagnose and treat things like electrolyte abnormalities. A pretty simple urinary tract infection can make older folks completely crazy and that would have been some of what the lab would have been used for (analyzing the cup of urine...no patient attached).
that almost looks like an old arm or leg on the floor between the curtains
that's the creepiest nurse's station i've ever seen! it almost looks like a face in the top right corner of the 2nd window from the right