1,846 Comments for Linton State Hospital

LoudLove, I'm thinking it might have even been more frightening knowing what to expect. I mean, you'd be so grateful anytime you were allowed out and the fear and dread you'd face at the thought of returning would probably make your blood run much colder than when you had no clue, but just vague ideas. =(
I believe there was formerly some sort of heart stickers in the upper corners of the mirror.... for some reason, that strikes me as so very sad.
I love this one because it evokes a 70s type Mom 'n' Pop hotel. Just need to bring in the pay vibrating bed and some heavily influenced Spanish Flamenco pictures.
Ah, I forgot my art history classes already... thanks for the correction!
XD I love the flailing arms!
Someone give that poor man a pillow!
I don't mean to be a dink, but I had to point out that it looks like it has some dimension, in which case, it would not be a fresco, but a bas relief. Fantastic photos, though...
I had one of them in my chemistry lab back at high school.
I love this photo - any chance of getting a larger version (say, 1280x854 (powerbook LCD size))?
I cant believe they leave this expensive equipment lying around in abandoned US hospitals.
Nasty old things - good that polio is a thing of the past. I remember colleagues telling me it was all hands on deck when the power went out, and you had to crank them by hand. Some patients could sit out and breath by moving their torsos up and down, but it was tiring. There was another egg shaped one you could sit up in.
I wonder why the paint apears to be worn off the green one in places.
These should be donated to people like Dianne O'Dell who need them for parts to keep the one they are using working, since they aren't produced or mantained by the factory anymore. Someone in the area should check this out.
Are those red hoses the things they suck the fat out with when doing liposuction?
I could resist dinner in there. That white stuff really looks nasty!