38 Comments Posted by Merissa

I like how the Biohazard symbol was hand-done. Looks like with a sharpie lol
Well, jeeze, someone knew something that Lynne didn't! It makes sense though, if you're working with people that aren't..mentally stable, you don't want them hiding in the bathroom. It doesn't sound very safe when put like that.
It hurts my ribs lol and when I think about using it, it hurts my hands. ;) Very cool picture, Mr Motts!
There really is something about the woman on the right. I just can't stop staring at her for some reason. It's kinda creepy...but really cool at the same time.
o.O is that bottle actually full?
it used to be so beautiful....and...now it's a disco floor I guess...*shrug*
at first, I thought it was a person...then I thought it was a chair with something thrown over it. Usually there aren't people in these...so I had to rationalize it to where there wasn't a person...then I realized there was a person....heehee Very nice picture. I really like it.
the black and white (or infared, whatever you used...) makes it look really, really creepy...you can just imagine someone in a wheelchair looking up as they're rolled past...whether they want to go or not...having no say in the matter..just...watching the sign pass....
seems like a logical thing, Ozzy...

and POISONS INSIDE NOT FOR INTERNAL USE makes sence, but then again...where would the NOT actually go? The FOR is centered, and the INSIDE would take up that whole line, wouldn't it? Oh well. I didn't write it. =^__^=
I was 3 o.o and my sister was born in december that year. One suicide for an entire year? That's good...right?
Kinda looks like some weird alien encounter...

very nice shot, Motts.
oh! Please tell me you didn't stand in that water!

Fantastic pic by the way. I love boats =^__^=
Interesting how there's one bath and two sinks...
I like the rust stains under the windows...kinda looks like blood or something. Maybe I'm just a bit morbid though. =^__^=
Someone should take it to the Wheelchair Repairman.

Great shot...It feels like the chair's so sad...it almost made it into the room before it broke....