1,830 Comments for Buffalo State Hospital

Splayed like an open wound.
It looks so shallow. How would you have a fire in it?
Agreed wanderer, extremely barbaric.
Awful, just awful, very imposing machine.
Wow! Great shot..... but very imposing.
Beautiful. Wallpaper please.
mica shucksy darn no tacking this one down
Or punching bag. In my house I would call it that thing in the garage that I hang winter clothes on.
I haven't see graffiti or vandalism. To enter and photograph a classic 100 + year old Kirkbride, in original (untouched) condition, with some of it's medical equipment still in place, is a grand slam. This is your best gallery ever.
I don't believe this fireplace ever saw fire. The bricks are pristine.
To be safe inside?
It's a frame for a speed bag.
Wow. Frozen in time. I'm torn between leaving everything as is and hope vandals don't destroy it or putting this on display in a medical museum.
Love the patina on the copper roof. Imagine a team of stone masons, standing on a scaffold for months, building this work of art.
Looks like the lights are on in the connecting corridor.