1,830 Comments for Buffalo State Hospital

That round decoration above top windows softens the stark look convincingly
Ahhh.....those fine bricks; all different hues, shades and tints...makes it lively and vivid. Strange that the old fireplace is not more blackened.
The table is adjustable to lay flat or to be in quite a few different positions. Here's a photo of an upright one:
so theat's what it worked like before they invented digital screens for everything. never saw something like this bevor...
I don't understand this exam table. How were you placed on this? I can't really decide which end is for the head and which for the feet.
is this a real place :o
normally i'm not very interested in the pictures of the exterior, i'm here for the interieurs. but these pictures are stunning.
love the contrast between the building and the darknes around it. are there some kind of spotlights pointing towards the building?
And I like the perspective. Makes it look like a impressiv yet threatening castle. Wallpaper?
Based on the holes where the wall has pulled away from the anchor bricks, this looks to be fanning out for easily 60 courses. Amazing.
Santa must be kept out at all costs!
I think we are seeing at least 3 layers of bricks. That is an amazing amount of labor.
Interesting, that does look like a gap for a gate at the top but that would likely require a track down the sides to work. Really curious what that was for...
cool pic
Am so looking forward to the moment will see this astounding beautiful clever edifice with Lights in all (or some) of the windows. Fixed!
It will be cherished.
We used to call these "geri-chairs" in the nursing home I worked in.