That thing at the end of the hallway (with what looks like eyes in a black face) looks like the demon from "Night on Bald Mountain" in Disney's "Fantasia."
if you're not severely psychotic, don't ever let them give you thorizane! it robs you of your personality! you're not even sure what you should be feeling at any given moment! it is the most wretched and unsettling feeling in the world! you become cardboard! have you ever seen long-term thorazine patients? the first thing you notice is the way they walk. at first, you can't put your finger on it. then you realize that they walk almost like zombies. they do not swing their arms. this is called the "thorazine shuffle". and then there are the parkinson's-like effects and the tics! of course, there are some people who need this drug in order to maintain some semblance of composure. but, unless you cannot be in control of yourself without it, do not let them make you take it! i don't know if they do that anymore or not, but they used to!
That's some natural sunlight getting into the building... it looks blue because I had the white balance set to a tungsten (orange) light, so that areas lit by flashlight show true color.
i love this place. i live like 5 mins from byberry. i ust went there last night. people say its scary but i've been goin there for 4 years. i know everything about byberry.
p.s. goddog, buck, and luck we most hang out again sometime
When you see all the destruction either by time or vandals , its almost as if the patients of these places are here slowly destroying the hell that they must have endured
If you look hard enough you will see the people {not litterly see] who occupied these chairs, one not wanting to be bothered, one trying to join in, as if they have a life of there own.