1,830 Comments for Buffalo State Hospital

Gordon, maybe you can do a story about how a sadistic Santa lured the unsuspecting to this very room with Christmas ornament "bread crumbs". "Follow me, kiddies, HO!HO!HO!"
It looks as if the building is <menacingly> looking down at you, telling you to "Come innnnnn".....
The plexiglass they placed over the windows seems to glow in places...cool
These pics are great! I want to select one and write a story around it, but there are so many good photos that awaken the imagination. Maybe someone could make a movie that uses some of these great decaying buildings? Please! There is so much raw feeling and personality that just oozes from each shot. Thanks!
Some of these locations look incredibly dangerous (falls, asbestos, mold, vagrants, etc.) and I hope you take great care!
I think this would make an excellent desktop. The trees have a nice effect on the whole picture.
If my office were that color, I'd come back after hours and paint it!
Gad! I don't find that color to be soothing at all. To be locked up in a tiny barred room this color...talk about feelings of despair and hopelessness.
again electricity. I work juvnenile detention. No light switches. They would tear them apart and shock themselves.
Looks more like an office. Doubt they would have elecricity in the room. (light switch)
What IS the real name of this place? This hospital looks amazing.
Based on the time period, it probably was a ballroom / hall.
I want that door soooo bad for the victorian house I will build in the future
Amazing shot. i really like the way you seem to be looking upi at the windows. great lines by the way.
wow. thanks for totally scaring the crap out of me with that Nurse standing there. I totally see it and I'm going to have nightmares. haha
Does anyone else find the colors in this room kind of weird? Why would they make the rooms so brightly colored? Orange and yellow?! It seems kind of weird to me.